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Isotopes of Europium
Notable Isotopes
150Eu [87 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 36.9 years [ Electron Capture ]
Decay Energy: 2.261MeV
Decays to 150Sm.
151Eu [88 neutrons]
Abundance: 47.8%
Stable with 88 neutrons
152Eu [89 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 13.516 years [ Electron Capture ]
Decay Energy: 1.874MeV
Decays to 152Sm.
Half life: 13.516 years [ beta- ]
Decay Energy: 1.819MeV
Decays to 152Gd.
153Eu [90 neutrons]
Abundance: 52.2%
Stable with 90 neutrons